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Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to commonly asked questions about our services.
I have purchased the membership, but the content is still locked. What should I do?
First, check if have you received a membership confirmation email. Sometimes, it can take upto 10 to 15 minutes to arrive due to server overload. If you haven’t received it, please wait a bit longer
I have received the confirmation email, but the content is still locked. What should I do?
Try clearing your browser cache and then log in again
How to clear Browser Cache
1) Open your browser
2) Tap the menu icon (three dots or three lines)
3) Go to History or Settings > Clear browsing data or Delete browsing data
4) Select the time range and check Cached images and files
5) Tap Clear data
Do you offer refunds?
Because our products are digital, we don’t offer refunds. We recommend users check out our free content to decide if they want to buy a paid membership. For more information, please visit our refund policy page.
I have done everything mentioned above, but the content is still locked. What should I do?
If you have tried everything mentioned above and the content is still locked, please use the contact us button below to get support. It may take up to 24 business hours to receive a reply